CodeScene Integration with Bitbucket Cloud

Bitbucket result presentation

Analysis results will be presented in a Pull Request comment. You can also choose to add Code Insights Report and/or

a Build status, all options being enabled by default.

In Bitbucket Build Status can be made a requirement for merging the Pull Request, acting as a Quality Gate. Alternatively you can get a Code Insights Report, which will not prevent merges if you have configured successful builds to be a requirement.

Bitbucket PR comment

Fig. 26 Example of a Pull Request comment in Bitbucket

Bitbucket PR report

Fig. 27 Code Insights Report is located bottom of the right sidebar of Bitbucket PR

If Code Insights Report is enabled, CodeScene can add annotations to specific lines of files where code degradations and improvements occurred.

Bitbucket PR report file annotations

Fig. 28 Code Insights Report with file annotations

Bitbucket PR report

Fig. 29 Build Check in the right is located in the middle of the right sidebar of Bitbucket PR