NOTE: The REST API is currently in alpha version. This means we are likely to make breaking changes in the next release. We also plan to expand the API to make more analysis information available. Contact Empear, and we are happy to share our detailed plans and get your feedback.

You can get the following information from the API:

  • The access user

  • The rest api documentation url

  • Projects list

  • Import Project Configuration

  • Export Project Configuration

  • Update Project Configuration

  • Single project details

  • Delete project

  • Update Project by adding/removing git repository urls’

  • Update Project by importing development teams

  • Analyses list of a project

  • Single analysis details

  • Files list from analysis in descending order based on order_by value

  • Components list from an analysis

  • Single components details from an analysis

  • Files list from component in descending order based on order_by value

  • Programming language experience and distribution, both by total and by component

  • Users list

  • Create User

  • Get User by username

The REST API documentation URL

You can browse the REST API functions here CodeScene RestAPI Functions. Before trying any functionality, use the Authorize button then fill in your username and password to authenticate.
The version in use is v1

Using CodeScene’s REST API

The REST API user

CodeScene lets you create a user intended to consume the REST API. Login as administrator then create a new user and assign RestApi role to it as illustrated in Fig. 57.
Any user with role Admin, Architect or RestApi can consume the REST API
If you are using LDAP, you need to assign the Admin, Architect or RestApi role. Follow the instructions from LDAP Roles Settings to assign a role to a LDAP user.
OAuth user accounts are not supported.
Configure a RestApi user

Fig. 57 Configure a RestApi user to consume the REST API.

To consume the REST API, you need to authenticate using http basic authentication.
The REST API follows the default project access, project access mode and collaborators described in Project Access Management

Projects list

curl -X GET --header 'Accept: application/json' -u username:password \

Import Project Configuration

curl -X POST --header 'Content-Type: application/json' -u username:password \
--data "@./project-config.json" 'http://localhost:3003/api/v1/projects/new'
  • Replace ./project-config.json with a valid a path to your project configuration, the format is the one exported by CodeScene

  • Minimal example for a project where you specify the local path ./specifiy-path-project-config.json

  "config": {
    "name": "project_name",
    "analysis-start-date": "2011-01-01",
    "ticketidpattern": "([A-Z]{2,}-\\d+)",
    "temporal-coupling-strategy": "by-ticket-id",
    "repo-paths": [
    "analysis-destination": "/path/to/save/analisys"
  • Minimal example for a project where you specify the remote git repository urls ./specifiy-remotes-project-config.json

  "config": {
    "name": "project_name",
    "analysis-start-date": "2011-01-01",
    "ticketidpattern": "([A-Z]{2,}-\\d+)",
    "temporal-coupling-strategy": "by-ticket-id",
    "repo-paths": [
    "local-path-for-remotes": "/path/to/save/repository/",
    "analysis-destination": "/path/to/save/analisys"
  • Minimal example for a project where you specify the google repo url ./google-repo-project-config.json

  "config": {
    "name": "project_name",
    "analysis-start-date": "2011-01-21",
    "ticketidpattern": "([A-Z]{2,}-\\d+)",
    "temporal-coupling-strategy": "by-ticket-id",
    "local-path-for-google-repo": "/path/to/save/repository/",
    "google-repo-url": "",
    "google-repo-manifest-filename": "your_manifest_name.xml",
    "analysis-destination": "/path/to/save/analisys"

Export Project Configuration

curl -X GET --header 'Accept: application/json' -u username:password \
  • Replace {project-id} with a valid id taken from the project list results.

Update Project Configuration

curl -X PUT --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --header 'Accept: application/json' -u username:password \
--data '{"config" : {"description" : "this a project description"}}' \
  • Replace {project-id} with a valid id taken from the project list results.

  • The body payload can contain one or multiple attributes from the list below

  "config": {
    "branch-name-exlusion-pattern": "string",
    "global-code-health-custom-rules": "string",
    "complexitytrendwarninglookbackinmonths": "int",
    "delta-always-comment": "boolean",
    "social_net_minsharedrevs": "int",
    "team-analysis-sliding-window-time": "1 month/3 months/6 months/1 year/2 years/full",
    "whitelistcontent": "string",
    "ticketidpattern": "string",
    "modus-commit-message-pattern": "string",
    "selectdistinctcommits": "int",
    "delivery-performance-strategy": "by-pm-transitions/by-git-tags",
    "pair-programming-pattern": "string",
    "temporal_coupling_across_minrevs": "int"0,
    "max_historic_age": "int",
    "exclusionfilter": "string",
    "code-health-alert-level": "int",
    "use-parallel-code-health-strategy": "boolean",
    "mine-git-in-parallel": "boolean",
    "git-rename-limit": "int",
    "delivery-performance-release-tag": "string",
    "fail_on_update_repositories": "int",
    "delta-notify-high-risk": "boolean",
    "parallelgitmining": "int",
    "temporal_coupling_archlevel_across_minrevs": "int",
    "hotspots-sliding-window-time": "1 month/3 months/6 months/1 year/2 years/full",
    "hotspots-defect-mining-pattern": "string",
    "spottrendspan": "int",
    "fail-on-update-repositories": "boolean",
    "age-is-last-commit": "boolean",
    "maxchangesetsize": "int",
    "disable-code-health-custom-rules": "boolean",
    "pair-programming-author-message-pattern": "string",
    "temporal_coupling_across_maxchangesetsize": "int",
    "include-submodules-in-analysis": "boolean",
    "complete-history-for-social": "boolean",
    "lookup-copied-content": "boolean",
    "name": "string",
    "calculate-branch-statistics": "boolean",
    "modus_commit_message_pattern": "string",
    "present-x-ray-overloads-separately": "boolean",
    "scan-all-code-in-project": "boolean",
    "max_branch_risk_history_depth": "int",
    "temporal-coupling-strategy": "by-ticket-id/by-time",
    "ticket-id-uri-template": "string",
    "project_owner": "string",
    "minrevs": "int",
    "update-repositories": "boolean",
    "excludecontent": "string",
    "rollingaveragedays": "int",
    "auto-detect-text-files": "boolean",
    "code_comment_enabled": "boolean",
    "exdevcontribenabled": "int",
    "limit_branch_prediciton_commits": "boolean",
    "xrayallrevisions": "int",
    "start-date": "string",
    "max_history_depth": "int",
    "social-net-min-shared-revs": "int",
    "use-full-delta-scan": "boolean",
    "branch-analyses-lookback-weeks": "int",
    "analysis-start-date": "string",
    "description": "string",
    "combine-authors-field-and-commit-msg-to-deduce-pairs?": "boolean",
    "pm-data-sliding-window-time": "1 month/3 months/6 months/1 year/2 years/full",
    "minexdevcontribtime": "int",
    "team-analysis-start-date": "string",
    "code-ownership-source-file-names": "string"

Single project details

curl -X GET --header 'Accept: application/json' -u username:password \
  • Replace {project-id} with a valid id taken from the project list results.

Delete project

curl -X DELETE --header 'Accept: application/json' -u username:password \
  • Replace {project-id} with a valid id taken from the project list results.

Add git repository url’s

curl -X POST --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --header 'Accept: application/json' -u username:password \
--data '{"urls":["", ""]}' \
  • Replace {project-id} with a valid id taken from the project list results.

  • The body can contain one or multiple Git repository URLs. By default, an architectural component for each repository will be created. This behaviour can be changed by adding the boolean parameter “generate-architectural-component”. Here is an example of a payload:

'{"urls":["", ""], \
"generate-architectural-component":false }'

Remove git repository url’s

curl -X DELETE --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --header 'Accept: application/json' -u username:password \
--data '{"urls":["", ""]}' \
  • Replace {project-id} with a valid id taken from the project list results.

  • the body can contain one or multiple git repository url’s

Update Project by importing development teams

curl -X POST --header 'Content-Type: text/csv' --header 'Accept: application/json' -u username:password \
--data "@./teams.csv" 'http://localhost:3003/api/v1/projects/{project-id}/teams/import'
  • Replace {project-id} with a valid id taken from the project list results.

  • Replace ./teams.csv with a valid a path to your teams configuration, the format is the one exported by CodeScene, first row of the file is the header

  • Example file ./teams.csv


Analysis List of a project

curl -X GET --header 'Accept: application/json' -u username:password \
  • Replace {project-id} with a valid id taken from the project list results.

Single analysis details

Single analysis details using its id
curl -X GET --header 'Accept: application/json' -u username:password \
  • Replace {project-id} with a valid id taken from the project list results.

  • Replace {analysis-id} with a valid id taken from the analysis list results.

Latest analysis details
curl -X GET --header 'Accept: application/json' -u username:password \
  • Replace {project-id} with a valid id taken from the project list results.

Files list from an analysis

File list in descending order based on order_by value for given analysis id
curl -X GET --header 'Accept: application/json' -u username:password \
  • Replace {project-id} with a valid id taken from the project list results.

  • Replace {analysis-id} with a valid id taken from the analysis list results.

  • Replace {page} with required page to return. If page parameter is omitted the default value is 1.

  • Replace {page_size} with the number of files to return for a page. If page_size parameter is omitted the default value is 100.

  • Replace {order_by} with one of the following values: “lines_of_code”, “change_frequency”, “number_of_defects”, “code_health” or “cost”. If order_by parameter is omitted the default value is “change_frequency”.

Files list in descending order based on order_by value for latest analysis
curl -X GET --header 'Accept: application/json' -u username:password \
  • Replace {project-id} with a valid id taken from the project list results.

  • Replace {page} with required page to return. If page parameter is omitted the default value is 1.

  • Replace {page_size} with the number of files to return for a page. If page_size parameter is omitted the default value is 100.

  • Replace {order_by} with one of the following values: “lines_of_code”, “change_frequency”, “number_of_defects”, “code_health” or “cost”. If order_by parameter is omitted the default value is “change_frequency”.

Components list from an analysis

Components list using analysis id
curl -X GET --header 'Accept: application/json' -u username:password \
  • Replace {project-id} with a valid id taken from the project list results.

  • Replace {analysis-id} with a valid id taken from the analysis list results.

Latest analysis components list
curl -X GET --header 'Accept: application/json' -u username:password \
  • Replace {project-id} with a valid id taken from the project list results.

Single components details from an analysis

Component details using analysis id
curl -X GET --header 'Accept: application/json' -u username:password \
  • Replace {project-id} with a valid id taken from the project list results.

  • Replace {analysis-id} with a valid id taken from the analysis list results.

  • Replace {component-name} with a valid name taken from the components list results.

Latest analysis component detail
curl -X GET --header 'Accept: application/json' -u username:password \
  • Replace {project-id} with a valid id taken from the project list results.

  • Replace {component-name} with a valid name taken from the components list results.

Component file list from an analysis

Component file list in descending order based on order_by value for given analysis id
curl -X GET --header 'Accept: application/json' -u username:password \
  • Replace {project-id} with a valid id taken from the project list results.

  • Replace {analysis-id} with a valid id taken from the analysis list results.

  • Replace {component-name} with a valid id taken from the component list results.

  • Replace {page} with required page to return. If page parameter is omitted the default value is 1.

  • Replace {page_size} with the number of files to return for a page. If page_size parameter is omitted the default value is 100.

  • Replace {order_by} with one of the following values: “lines_of_code”, “change_frequency”, “number_of_defects”, “code_health” or “cost”. If order_by parameter is omitted the default value is “change_frequency”.

Component files list in descending order based on order_by value for latest analysis
curl -X GET --header 'Accept: application/json' -u username:password \
  • Replace {project-id} with a valid id taken from the project list results.

  • Replace {component-name} with a valid id taken from the component list results.

  • Replace {page} with required page to return. If page parameter is omitted the default value is 1.

  • Replace {page_size} with the number of files to return for a page. If page_size parameter is omitted the default value is 100.

  • Replace {order_by} with one of the following values: “lines_of_code”, “change_frequency”, “number_of_defects”, “code_health” or “cost”. If order_by parameter is omitted the default value is “change_frequency”.

Skills inventory: programming language experience and distribution

Successful software maintenance requires the organization to maintain system mastery of the codebase. One aspect of that mastery is to make sure you have people who know all the implementation technologies and that there aren’t any bottlenecks (e.g. “we cannot finish that feature, because our only APL programmer is on a 3 months vacation”). CodeScene’s skills inventory analysis provides input to system mastery discussions and planning.

In general, CodeScene answers the following questions:

  1. How many developers know language X?

  2. Who are those developers, and what are their relative contribution experience in that technology?

The analysis info is available both for the whole codebase as well as for specific sub-systems and components. Use this information as input to discussions on:

  • Do we need to train more people in a specific programming language?

  • Do we have to hire people for a specific programming language?

  • Do we have enough C#/C++/Java/Python programmers in that critical sub-system where we plan lots of new features?

Before we look at the specific endpoints, lets explain the contribution fields that you will find in the responses:

CodeScene calculates both total and relative contribution experience for each developer.

Fig. 58 CodeScene calculates both total and relative contribution experience for each developer.

In combination with CodeScene’s on- and off-boarding simulation module, you can also use this information to see the effects of rotating staff between different sub-systems or components and identify key personnel on a technical level.

There are two main REST endpoints:

Get a list of all programming languages and active contributors with their relative contributions
curl -X GET --header 'Accept: application/json' -u username:password \
Limit the query to developers working in a specific programming language
curl -X GET --header 'Accept: application/json' -u username:password \
  • Replace {project-id} with a valid id taken from the project list results.

  • Replace {language} with the name of a programming language, e.g. JavaScript, Python, etc.

Both of these endpoints also exist on a component level. The response format is identical, only limited to programming languages and contribution statistics withing the given component:

Get a list of all programming languages and active contributors with their relative contributions in a given component/sub-system
curl -X GET --header 'Accept: application/json' -u username:password \
Limit the query to developers working in a specific programming language within the given component/sub-system
curl -X GET --header 'Accept: application/json' -u username:password \
  • Replace {project-id} with a valid id taken from the project list results.

  • Replace {language} with the name of a programming language, e.g. JavaScript, Python, etc.

  • Replace {component-name} with a valid id taken from the component list results.

Users list

To call this endpoint you must be authenticated with an admin username.

curl -X GET --header 'Accept: application/json' -u username:password \

Create User

To call this endpoint you must be authenticated with an admin username.

curl -X POST --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --header 'Accept: application/json' \
-u username:password -d '{ "username": "my_new_username", "password": "qwerty"}' \
  • the body must contain the username and password as json, the newly created user will have the default role “Full Read-Only Access”.

Get User by username

To call this endpoint you must be authenticated with an admin username.

curl -X GET --header 'Accept: application/json' -u username:password \
  • Replace {username} with a valid username taken from the users list results.

Examples: Use Cases and Scripts

We use CodeScene’s REST API ourselves, and in this section we’d like to share some of the scripts we use. These scripts are particularly useful on large codebases as a basis for custom reports.

These examples are based on the following strategy:

  • Invoke the REST API using curl.

  • Parse the reply with the jq tool.

  • Pipe the response to other shell functions when needed.

As such, everything below is built using existing command line tools.

Let’s start by defining a helper function for calling the REST API:

call_api(){ curl -sS -u api:secret http://localhost:3003/api/v1$1 ${@:2}; }
export -f call_api

Using the call_api utility, we can now query the REST API for specific purposes as illustrated in the following paragraphs.

Project Statistics

List project names and ids:

call_api /projects | jq -r '.projects[] | [.name,.id] | @csv' | sort

Calculate the total lines of code in the 10 most changed files:

call_api /projects/1/analyses/latest/files | jq -r '.files | sort_by(.change_frequency)
 | .[0:10] | .[].lines_of_code' |  paste -sd+ - | bc

Maintenance and Housekeeping

List all local repository paths for all projects (a bit more complex since we call the API in a loop):

call_api /projects | jq -r '.projects[].id' | while read id;do call_api /projects/$id \
| jq -r '.repository_paths_on_disk[]'; done | sort -u

File-Level Analysis Information

List the top hotspot files by change frequency:

call_api /projects/1/analyses/latest/files\?order_by=change_frequency | jq -r '.files[]
 | [.change_frequency,.name] | @csv'

Get the current code health score + the number of defects for the top 25 hotspot files of a project:

call_api /projects/1/analyses/latest/files\?order_by=change_frequency\&page_size=25 \
| jq -r '.files[] | [.change_frequency,.code_health.current_score,.number_of_defects,.lines_of_code,.name] | @csv'

Code Health Analysis

List the 100 most worked on files together with their code health trend, and sort by relevance:

call_api /projects/1/analyses/latest/files\?order_by=change_frequency\&page_size=100 \
| jq -r '.files[] | [.change_frequency,.code_health.current_score,.code_health.month_score,.code_health.year_score,.name] | @csv'

Code Health Rules

The /metadata endpoint lets you access global rules and information. Here’s how you retrieve a list of all the code health rules that you can come across in a Virtual Code Review:

call_api /metadata/code-health-rules \
| jq -r '.code_health_rules[] | [.code_health_rule] | @csv'

Architecture-Level Analysis Information

List a project’s architectural components sort by name:

call_api /projects/1/analyses/latest/components | jq -r '.components | sort_by(.name)| .[] | [.name, .ref] | @csv'

Get some metrics for the architectural component by name in a project:

call_api /projects/1/analyses/latest/components/`read -p "Enter component name: " name && echo $name` \
    | jq -r '[.age,.change_frequency,.lines_of_code,.system_health.current_score,.name] | @csv'

Get some metrics for all architectural components order by name in a project :

call_api /projects/1/analyses/latest/components | jq -r '.components | sort_by(.name)| .[] | .name' \
   | xargs -I % bash -c "call_api /projects/1/analyses/latest/components/% | jq -r '[.age,.change_frequency,.lines_of_code,.system_health.current_score,.name] | @csv'"

Create New Project

CodeScene is using the following environment variables when creating a new project, for Tomcat deployment, you can also use JNDI Context properties

    • “/path/to/analysis/”

    • “/path/to/repositories/”

Example of create a new project using git repo URL and using environment variables

call_api /projects/new -X POST --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --header 'Accept: application/json' \
    -d '{ "config": { "repo-paths": [""] } }'

This will create a project with name ‘my-project-1’

Example of create a new project using git repo URL without setting environment variables, you need to provide in the config the “local-path-for-remotes” and “analysis-destination”

call_api /projects/new -X POST --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --header 'Accept: application/json' \
    -d '{ "config": { "repo-paths": [""], \
                      "local-path-for-remotes": "/path/to/repositories/", \
                      "analysis-destination": "/path/to/analysis/"} \

This will create a project with name ‘my-project-2’