Release Notes

This section contains the release notes for all releases starting with CodeScene 4.1.

CodeScene 4.2

The public release notes with screenshots and examples are avilable at

CodeScene 4.2 expands the architectural component editor with a feature that auto-generates component definitions from your directory structure. This makes the architectural analyses more accessible, so you can now easily view code health trends for whole sub-systems and services, and also detect team coordination issues and knowledge silos at a high level.

We have also expanded CodeScene’s delta analysis with a detailed code review of new files with lower code health. The delta analysis is typically used as a quality gate integrated with pull requests in GitHub/BitBucket/GitLab/Azure Devops. This helps you detect potential problems early when they are still affordable to fix, and the added code review makes the findings actionable. Under the hood, CodeScene REST API for the delta analysis has been expanded with a new element for the review of new files (see guides/delta/automated-delta-analyses for details if you have a custom delta analysis integration).

The other visible change is that CodeScene now detects hotspots that improve in code health, and present a summary directly on the analysis dashboard.

Other minor improvements include:

  • Terraform: support the X-Ray analysis of Terraform hotspots and calculate cyclomatic complexity.

  • Branch Analysis: present the total lead time for the first commit on branch until time now for unmerged branches. Use this metric to detect stale branches.

  • Allow the Architect role to delete projects too. This makes sense since the Architect role can create projects.

  • Present analysis warnings and commit/issue details in the Scope => Analysis Data section.

NOTE: This release also includes _all_ the features and improvements that have been iteratively released in the 4.1.x releases listed below.


  • Prefix Python functions with their enclosing class name (if any) to avoid confusion in the X-Ray. This fix handles functions with the same name, but located in different classes inside the same file.

CodeScene 4.1

CodeScene 4.1 includes several improvements to scale the UI to ultra-large codebases. We also provide new options for integrating more complex life cycles via Jira and GitHub issues, as well as direct support for GitHub Checks as a quality gate. Finally, CodeScene 4.1 also supports a new deployment option that lets you host CodeScene’s database in a SQL Server of your choice.


  • Pull Requests: present a virtual code review of new files with low code health.

  • REST API, skills inventory: present contribution percentage using 4 decimals to cover minor contributors too.

  • Code Health: display one or two decimal places on main project page, analysis dashboard and status badges.


  • Bug fix for parsing Jira issue costs.


  • REST API: new endpoints to expose skills inventory related features (programming language experience and contribution distribution).


  • Delta Analysis: Track moved and renamed content in the delta analysis.

  • Delta Analysis: Remove the now obsolete warning for new/modified code that couldn’t previously be checked against the baseline. The rename tracking solves this.

  • Project Creation: Clarify the options and data sources when creating a new project (UI improvement).

  • Keep up the good: inform on hotspots that improve their code health.

  • Fail an analysis when a repository update fails: new project configuration option, disabled by default.

  • Present details on the number of fetched and matched issues (Jira, Trello, GitHub, etc.) in the Scope => Analysis Data section.

  • Correct the screenshots for the Branch Analysis. Had old 3.x screenshots.


  • Support GitHub App integration with pull requests from forks.


  • Bug fix for parsing Java class literals in a property context.

  • Document external SQL DB performance context.


  • Support GitHub App integration for GitHub Server, not just cloud.


  • Improve external (MySQL) DB installation and migration docs.


  • Fix UI alignment for tables inside the analysis views.