Release Notes

This section contains the release notes for all releases starting with CodeScene 4.1.

CodeScene 4.1

CodeScene 4.1 includes several improvements to scale the UI to ultra-large codebases. We also provide new options for integrating more complex life cycles via Jira and GitHub issues, as well as direct support for GitHub Checks as a quality gate. Finally, CodeScene 4.1 also supports a new deployment option that lets you host CodeScene’s database in a SQL Server of your choice.


  • Delta Analysis: Track moved and renamed content in the delta analysis.
  • Delta Analysis: Remove the now obsolete warning for new/modified code that couldn’t previously be checked against the baseline. The rename tracking solves this.
  • Project Creation: Clarify the options and data sources when creating a new project (UI improvement).
  • Keep up the good: inform on hotspots that improve their code health.
  • Fail an analysis when a repository update fails: new project configuration option, diseabled by default.
  • Present details on the number of fetched and matched issues (Jira, Trello, GitHub, etc.) in the Scope => Analysis Data section.
  • Correct the screenshots for the Branch Analysis. Had old 3.x screenshots.


  • Support GitHub App integration with pull requests from forks.


  • Bug fix for parsing Java class literals in a property context.
  • Document external SQL DB performance context.


  • Support GitHub App integration for GitHub Server, not just cloud.


  • Improve external (MySQL) DB installation and migration docs.


  • Fix UI alignment for tables inside the analysis views.