Configure Your Environment

CodeScene runs anywhere a modern Java Virtual Machine (JVM) runs. We test the tool on Mac OS, Windows, and different Linux distributions.

The system requirements depend upon the size and history of the codebase you want to analyze. In general, RAM memory is the most critical resource on the server. That means you want to ensure that there’s at least 4 Gb of RAM available for the CodeScene application.

Install the Supporting Tools

You need to install the following to run CodeScene:

  • A Java run-time (or JDK if you run from the command prompt), 64-bit version, at least Java 1.8. You ensure you have the right Java version by typing java -version in a command prompt.
  • Have a Git client on your path since the tool will assume there’s an executable named git somewhere. Your Git client has to be at least version 2.14. You ensure you have the right Git client version by typing git --version in a command prompt.

Please note that you can specify a custom Git client in the Configuration section once you login to CodeScene.

Setup an SSH Key for Git

CodeScene operates on local clones of your Git repositories. CodeScene does an automated git pull before an analyses, which lets you see the latest changes reflected in your analysis results. This means you need to grant CodeScene access to your repository origins. You do that by providing an SSH key (see for example

NOTE: If you chose to run CodeScene in Tomcat, the SSH key has to be associated with the Tomcat user since that’s the user who will access the Git repositories.

Setup Proxy Server

If codescene is running behind proxy server, you might need to provide proper configuration.

Whenever you’re trying to login or activate license, Codescene contacts the license server to check if license is valid and update license limitations.

Without a proper proxy configuration, CodeScene won’t be able to check the license and update the license limitations in case they were changed on the server and show an error message (unless you’re in offline mode - more on that later).

User can provide proxy configuration when logging in - if license check is successful and user is admin, the proxy configuration will be automatically saved in global config to avoid bothering user the next time.

Proxy Without Authentication

If you use proxy server without authentication, CodeScene might be able to automatically detect the proper configuration based on your operating system settings. You can always check current proxy configuration in Configuration -> Proxy Server.

Proxy with Basic authentication

If your proxy server is configured to use Basic authentication, you need to provide proper username and password. Please, fill ‘User’ and ‘Password’ fields in Configuration -> Proxy Server.

Proxy with Kerberos Authentication

CodeScene supports proxy servers with Kerberos authentication.

As long as you have a valid TGT ticket in your system’s Credentials Cache, CodeScene should be able to authenticate with your Proxy Server.

This is usually done with kinit command:

However, TGT tickets have limited validity (usually 24 hours). If you aren’t able to refresh them automatically, you need to specify proper username (principal) and password in Configuration -> Proxy Server.

If you don’t want to store username/password in CodeScene you can also create a keytab file and specify it in login.conf in CodeScene root folder as follows (make sure to put proper principal and keyTab file path):

You can learn more about using Kerberos in Java applications here: Use of Java GSS-API for Secure Message Exchanges Without JAAS Programming:.

Other Authentication Mechanism

If you’re using another proxy authentication mechanism and you’re not able to make it work with CodeScene, please let us know. We’ll do our best to add support for this authentication mechanism to CodeScene.

Offline Mode

If you are unable to provide a proper proxy configuration, you don’t want to let Codescene reach the Internet, or you simply don’t have an Internet connection for a limited period of time, you still may run CodeScene in offline mode.

If CodeScene is unable to activate its license or verify the user’s login, it will show an error message with a checkbox for activating offline mode. Administrators can also turn on offline mode globally in Configuration.

Offline mode is limited to the period of the current subscription term (billing period). When your current billing period ends, CodeScene needs Internet access to verify your license. If you need to run in offline mode for an extended period of time, you will have to pay for the whole period in advance.

Please note that offline mode should be regarded as an exceptional use case, either for emergencies or situations with specific needs. To ensure a smooth experience, users are encouraged to provide proper configuration. Please contact us if you need more help with network/proxy configuration.

Connection Timeouts

By default, CodeScene uses a 5000 ms timeout for both connection timeout and socket timeout. You can customize these settings with the LICENSE_CHECK_CONN_TIMEOUT and LICENSE_CHECK_SO_TIMEOUT environment variables. This can be useful if you’re running CodeScene in a high-latency environment or in permanent offline mode.

You can also enforce a hard timeout on the whole duration of license check request with LICENSE_CHECK_TOTAL_TIMEOUT environment variable. If you don’t specify total timeout computed value 1.5 * (connection timeout + socket timeout) is used as a default. Total timeout gives you a complete control over the license check duration. You cannot achieve this using just connection timeout and/or socket timeout. The main difference is in inability to control DNS resolution time using either connection or socket timeout.