Configure Your Environment

CodeScene runs anywhere a modern Java Virtual Machine (JVM) runs. We test the tool on Mac OS, Windows, and different Linux distributions.

The system requirements depend upon the size and history of the codebase you want to analyze. In general, RAM memory is the most critical resource on the server. That means you want to ensure that there’s at least 4 Gb of RAM available for the CodeScene application.

Install the Supporting Tools

You need to install the following to run CodeScene:

  • A Java run-time (or JDK if you run from the command prompt), 64-bit version, at least Java 1.8. You ensure you have the right Java version by typing java -version in a command prompt.
  • Have a Git client on your path since the tool will assume there’s an executable named git somewhere. Your Git client has to be at least version 2.6. You ensure you have the right Git client version by typing git --version in a command prompt.

Please note that you can specify a custom Git client in the Configuration section once you login to CodeScene.

Setup an SSH Key for Git

CodeScene operates on local clones of your Git repositories. CodeScene does an automated git pull before an analyses, which lets you see the latest changes reflected in your analysis results. This means you need to grant CodeScene access to your repository origins. You do that by providing an SSH key (see for example

NOTE: If you chose to run CodeScene in Tomcat, the SSH key has to be associated with the Tomcat user since that’s the user who will access the Git repositories.